JUNE 8, 2011
A Regular Session Meeting of the EAST HARTFORD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION was held in the Town Council Chambers, 740 Main Street, East Hartford, Connecticut on June 8, 2011.
The meeting was called to order at 10:00 p.m.
Anthony F. Kayser; Chairman;
Peter Bonzani; Vice-Chairman;
John Grottole;
John Ryan;
Thomas Fitzgerald;
Paul J. Roczynski;
Travis Simpson (Alternate)
Mary Whaples (Alternate);
Kathleen Salemi; Secretary
Also Present:
Michael Dayton, Town Planner
M. Denise Horan, Town Engineer
Chairman Anthony Kayser declared a quorum present. Chairman Kayser stated that Mary Whaples would be voting in place of Kathy Salemi and would be acting secretary for the meeting. Additionally, Chairman Kayser stated that the Commission would be voting with seven members.
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Design Review Meeting – May 11, 2011
Chairman Kayser stated that a correction to the minutes needed to be made. John Ryan was acting secretary for the meeting and the signature line should be adjusted to reflect that. Upon a motion by John Ryan, seconded by John Grottole, the Commission Voted (7-0) to Approve the above minutes with corrections.
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Regular Session Minutes
June 11, 2011
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Regular Session Meeting – May 11, 2011
Chairman Kayser stated that a correction to the minutes needed to be made. John Ryan was acting secretary for the meeting and the signature line should be adjusted to reflect that. Upon a motion by John Ryan, seconded by John Grottole, the Commission Voted (7-0) to Approve the above minutes with corrections.
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SUBDIVISION APPLICATION: for “Hills Street Subdivision” – Preliminary and Final Layout Approval, Five lots on 1.92 acres of land located at 208-250 Hill Street.
Assessors Map# 53 Lot# 25, 26, 27, 28, 30, 31
Applicant: Premier Partners & Associates, LLC
Upon a motion by John Grottole, seconded by John Ryan, the Commission Voted (7-0) to Deny the above Subdivision Application.
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SPECIAL PERMIT USE APPLICATION: Under Section 402.2 (e) & 228 to double drive-thru’s associated with a proposed 11,136 sq. ft. retail pharmacy building on land located at 329 Ellington Road and 550, 552 School Street.
Assessor’s Map #39 Lot #65, 66, 66a
Applicant: RA East Hartford, LLC
Upon a motion by Peter Bonzani, seconded by Tom Fitzgerald, the Commission Voted (7-0) to Approve the above Special Permit Use Application with the following conditions:
1. Final plans are to signed and sealed by the professional engineer or surveyor licensed in the State of Connecticut that is responsible for the work.
2. Provide separate plans for each application and label them accordingly.
3. Provide a copy of the assessors map keyed to a list of property owners located within 200 feet of the subject property per section 207.4.a.10 of the zoning regulations.
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SITE PLAN APPLICATION – 329 Ellington Road and 550, 552 School Street to construct a 11,136 sq. ft. retail pharmacy building with double drive-through facilities, parking lot, and associated storm water drainage system.
Applicant: Applicant: RA East Hartford, LLC
Regular Session Minutes
June 8, 2011
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Upon a motion by John Grottole, seconded by Tom Fitzgerald, the Commission Voted (7-0) to Approve the above Site Plan Application with the following conditions:
1. In evaluating this application, the Planning and Zoning Commission has relied upon information provided by the applicant and, if such information subsequently proves to be false, deceptive, incomplete, and / or inaccurate, this permit shall be modified suspended or revoked.
2. Final plans are to signed and sealed by the professional engineer or surveyor licensed in the State of Connecticut that is responsible for the work
3. Provide separate plans for each application and label them accordingly.
4. On of the plan sheets, provide a site plan approval block.
5. Incorporate revisions to the Ellington Road and School Street traffic signal and Ellington Road as required by CTDOT.
6. On sheet 4, provide design details designed by a Professional Engineer licensed in the State of Connecticut, dimensions, and layout coordinates for the segmental block retaining wall.
7. On sheet 4, provide coordinates for the proposed building corners.
8. On sheet 4, add a note to specify that the proposed dumpster enclosure is to be gated.
9. On sheet 4, revise the location of the stop bar on the western driveway to a point closer to Ellington Road.
10. On sheet 9, add the restoration plan for the area between the wall and the inland wetlands to this plan set, and graphically depict and add a note to specify clearing necessary to achieve required intersection sight distance on School Street.
11. Add construction details to the plans for the restoration of School Street.
12. Perform a testpit within the limits of the proposed stormwater management system and add the results to the plan, the testpit is to be witnessed by a representative from the engineering department.
13. Site Improvement Bond set in the amount of $60,000.
14. Applicant shall install an appropriate traffic barrier to separate the proposed parking spaces on the north side of the building from vehicles exiting the proposed drive-thru lanes. Improvements shall be designed to channel drive-thru exiting vehicles away from adjacent parking spaces. Such improvements shall be coordinated and approved by the Town Engineer and Town Planner prior to submission of the required final mylars.
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SOIL EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL APPLICATION – 329 Ellington Road and 550, 552 School Street to construct a 11,136 sq. ft. retail pharmacy building with double drive-through facilities, parking lot, and associated storm water drainage system.
Assessor’s Map #39 Lot #65, 66, 66a
Applicant: RA East Hartford, LLC
Upon a motion by Paul Roczynski, seconded by Tom Fitzgerald, the Commission Voted (7-0) to Approve the above Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control with the following conditions:
1. Final plans are to signed and sealed by the professional engineer or surveyor licensed in the State of Connecticut that is responsible for the work.
2. Provide separate plans for each application and label them accordingly.
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June 8, 2011
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3. On sheet 7, add a signature block per section 217.6 of the zoning regulations.
4. On sheet 8, add a brief narrative describing the project per section 217.3.d.1 of the zoning regulations.
5. On sheet 8, add approximate start and completion dates to the construction sequence per section 217.3.d.2.a of the zoning regulations.
6. On sheet 8, add an operation and maintenance plan for the erosion controls and storm drainage system per section 217.3.d.5 of the zoning regulations.
7. On sheet 8, add the telephone number for the individual responsible for maintenance per sections 217.3.d.6&7 of the zoning regulations.
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ZONE CHANGE APPLICATION: Master plan modification request to add additional land to a previously approved Design Development District I (DDDI) on 4.43 acres of land located at 139 High Street and 1 Pent Road currently zoned Industrial III (I-3).
Assessor’s Map# 9 & 20 Lots# 1, 8, 9
Applicant: Goodwin College, Inc.
Upon a motion by Peter Bonzani which included a request from the applicant to reduce the required fifty foot buffer strip abutting the residential zone to the south of the proposed building site, seconded by Tom Fitzgerald, the Commission Voted (7-0) to Approve the above Zone Change Application with the following requirements:
1. Final plans are to be signed and stamped by the Professional Engineer and/or Land Surveyor licensed in the state of Connecticut who is responsible for the work.
2. Provide mapping meeting the requirements outlined within section 713.3.b of the zoning regulations.
3. Provide proposed grading information per section 217.3.c.3 of the zoning regulations.
4. On the plans, graphically depict and specify proposed easements to permit existing and proposed utility connections across the subject property to serve the adjacent existing facility.
5. On the plans, graphically depict and specify all utility infrastructure relocations that are necessary for existing adjacent facilities that are to remain, additionally clarify removals or relocations.
6. Revise the property lines on the plans to be consistent with the assessors mapping.
7. On the plans, graphically depict the existing underground jet fuel lines on the subject parcel and specify what is to be done to remove or relocate them.
8. Applicant shall revise final master plan mylars to depict all existing and proposed open space. Such open space shall be maintained and preserved in accordance with section 603.4.6 (e).
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Regular Session Minutes
June 8, 2011
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• Letter dated June 1, 2011 from Mr. Bryant Harrell, Vice President; Goodwin College regarding removal of invasive plants and replacement with native plan species on property south of Willgoos ECS office and labs.
It was the consensus of the commission that no flood hazard development permit was needed.
• 975 Silver Lane a.k.a Phillips Farm Active Adult Community,
Site Plan Modification Bond Reduction
Upon a motion by Tom Fitzgerald, seconded by Paul Roczynski, it was Voted (7-0) to Approve the above request for a bond reduction in the amount of $49,479.00 with a remaining account balance of $51,006.00.
Upon a motion by John Grottole, seconded by John Ryan the meeting was adjourned at 10:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Whaples, Acting Secretary
Town Planning & Zoning Commission